23 Dec Happy Holidays: From Our Homes to Yours
All of us here at ISABELLA want to take a moment to thank you for shopping local with us this year. We send you many merry wishes for a beautiful holiday + an exceptionally joyful new year! We’re sharing a few snaps of our own homes dressed up for the season to celebrate with you.

Erin’s home is all set for holiday evenings with lit lanterns, hand-crafted magnolia wreath + all the colorful twinkles.

Bryn’s tree is decked with a sweet collection of ornaments, set on a backdrop of stunning art pieces.

Mara is feeling those cozy Christmas feels (+ so is her cute Kitty curled up under the tree). We love these layers of texture + a little holiday football action. Her bar style is on point too. We’re thinking holiday happy hour soon!

Robin is bringing holiday cheer in the form of cocktails too (link here for our festive favorites).

Her holiday is filled with heirloom mementos, fresh flowers and all the sparkly goodness of home.

Patti’s pink-kissed holiday includes bottlebrush trees, candles + favorite glass ornaments that reflect light and add extra glow when day turns to night.

Nolan’s feelin’ the pink vibes too. We’re obsessing over this rug + the sweet plaid scarf serving as her tree skirt.

Ashley loves to keep those tree-decorating traditions with textiles + metallics. She adds cozy with shearling details. We’re loving this little village too.

Here’s to making memories + collecting sweet moments with your special someones. We’re sending you layers + layers of holiday cheer!!!!
the Ladies of ISABELLA