19 Apr High Point Spring Market Recap
Spring market in High Point has come and gone for us, and it definitely did not disappoint. Even if you don’t have a shop or specific clients to buy for, it’s worth it to go for the endless amounts of inspiration you come across. There are so many different brands and styles that are represented at market, you’re bound to find something that inspires you! We found some great pieces for the shop this time around and we can’t wait for them to get here! Keep on reading to see our favorite market picks, as well as a few items that’ll be in the shop soon 🙂
We absolutely LOVED this World’s Away malachite wallpaper- it would make a bold statement in any room it was in!
New Zoe Bios Creative artwork that we’ll be ordering for the shop:
Congrats to local designer Barrie Benson on her collection with Highland House! Everything was absolutely stunning and perfectly placed:
All of the artwork is from Hidell Brooks (a great gallery located in Charlotte) & it’s all so gorgeous!
Spotted in the showroom: our Bunglo pillows! 🙂
Below: Barrie collaborated with Addison Weeks Jewelry on the knobs for this beautiful sideboard- how cool is that?! They definitely transform it into a statement piece.
New lighting & mirrors from Mr. Brown:
New pillows from Kevin O’Brien Studio- these beauts are all hand painted and one-of-a kind pieces:
How amazing are these indigo pillows?! Keep an eye out for updates…they’ll be in the shop soon 😉
And of course, we had to get a restock of our favorite cocktail napkins from August Morgan!
What was your favorite part of market this Spring? Leave us a comment- we’d love to know! And as always, keep an eye out for new products coming into the shop via our Instagram and Facebook.