25 Apr Market Finds
Shannon and I made a quick trip to High Point this week! While there, we scoured the showrooms looking for new finds for the shop and clients. We came home with orders for new lighting, pillows, linens and some new furniture pieces. Take a look at some of our favorite pieces…
Love these ceiling mount fixtures…
We ordered all of these pretty pillows for the shop…
Love this console and coffee table from Gabby!
This Ro-Sham-Beaux chandelier is coming home with me!
Pretty rugs…
We found this line of wastebaskets and loved the patterns. The covers come off for washing. We will have some of these in the shop soon!
After our quick shopping trip in High Point, I made it back to Charlotte just in time for a client’s drapery installation!
Let us know if you have any questions about our “market finds”! 704-377-4919