Artist Spotlight: Suzy Lindow of Wink Wink Studio

Artist Spotlight: Suzy Lindow of Wink Wink Studio

Suzy surrounds herself with fun and colorful things in her home and wants to share those same happy vibes through her art. We snagged a few moments with Suzy in her studio (virtually) to chat about what fuels her fire and keeps her up and motivated to paint such vibrant images. We asked her some random questions to get a sneak peek inside an artist’s mind and gain some creative inspiration.

Here we go with our 20 Questions with Suzy of Wink Wink

Q: What’s your favorite city?

A: NYC, forever and always. ?

Q: Netflix obsession?

A: Love any kind of murder mystery documentary.

Q: What do you like to do in your home?

A: Always noodling, tinkering with decor and planning renovations, once the PTSD from the last renovation subsides ?

Q: Necessary extravagance/simple indulgence?

A: Good, high thread count percale sheets. (Hhhmmm. I think we might be able to help her out there. 🙂

Q: Favorite places to score finds for your home?

A: The antique mall and my local consignment shop haunts.

Q: How do you unwind?

A: Reading, having cocktails while playing backgammon

Q: If you were a boxer, what song would you walk out to?

A: Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics will always be my favorite song

Q: What’s your newest music discovery?

A: Im terrible with the new new music and what’s hip. I mostly listen to podcasts and classic rock and oldies

Q: Best movie set design?

A: I love movies set in old old New York. Gangs of New York had an incredible set design showing what Manhattan was like in the late 1800’s. It’s incredible how much the city has evolved. I also love how old westerns depict gold mining towns. We lived in Arizona for a while after college and I used to love to day trip to historic western mining towns that have all become ghost towns.

Q: What would you save in a fire?

A: Besides my people and cat, I’d try to take a huge 4×7’ framed African textile I scored at an antique shop. And probably some photo albums. 

Q: Artist on your radar?

A: I love Kayla Ploz Antiel based in Raleigh and Kiki Slaughter out of Richmond.

Q: A book you’ve read more than once?

A: The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen and Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis

Q: What’s on your summer wishlist?

A: Wouldn’t it be great just to leave the house! Next trip would definitely be to the beach.

Q: Perfect meal?

A: I love paella. And a good old fashioned Disneyland corndog . (We found a great recipe for classic Spanish Paella in case you’re craving it now like we are.)

Q: Describe your style in three words:

A: Eclectic, colorful, authentic

Q: Color you never get tired of?

A: Olive green and pretty much any shade of blue

Q: What smell do you love?

A: Lily of the Valley and Verbena

We love the fresh scent of verbena too. Currently obsessing over this Savon soap.

Q: Dream dinner party guest?

A: Ellen Degeneres 

Q: Who would you want to play you in your biopic?

A: Maybe Ellen Degeneres? haha

Q: Currently dancing to?

A: I love oldies like Harry Belafonte and old school dance hall reggae

We always + forever love this classic Wink Wink piece of Lemons ??? … Do you have a favorite Suzy Lindow creation? Share yours in the comments. We hope these playful images have brightened your day. We will continue to share new pieces from Wink Wink as new arrivals show up in our Shopify shop. Wishing you a beautiful May and beyond!
